Physics in 5 Dimensions

The theory of Physics in 5 Dimensions identifies a dynamic property of all matter, an additional dimension, to be included alongside the four dimensions of space and time of classical physics. The book Physics in 5 Dimensions gives an exact insight into this more unified theory of physics.


The current view of classical physics is summarised for each of the many fields of physics covered in the book and the new perspectives of Physics in 5 Dimensions, the hypotheses developed and their results, are shown to comply with the fundamentals of physics and can be seen to follow as reasonable and logical extensions of the classical view.


The perspective of Physics in 5 Dimensions develops over many different fields of physics throughout the book and is to be judged on the complete work and the extent of the results. This book offers the reader an opportunity to refresh their view of classical physics as well as an introduction to the perspectives of Physics in 5 Dimensions; a more unified theory of physics.


The content of this website is based on a selection of short papers included in the book What's the Matter? that provides a concise and simple introduction to Physics in 5 Dimensions. Each topic on this website is complete in itself and can be read in any order. These papers offer an easy introduction to the theory of Physics in 5 Dimensions


Some papers of What’s the Matter? review the fundamentals of physics of Famous Physicists and show how alternative perspectives have resulted in the new hypotheses of the theory of Physics in 5 Dimensions; however without changing the fundamentals of classical physics.


Select here a Famous Physicist and Physics Topic of interest to you 


May you find many hours of interesting thought with the perspective of Physics in 5 dimensions.